Today I´m interviewing RED VENOM. He was the first person that made a walking NPC at Happy Wheels.
1. How did you start playing Happy Wheels?
I just found the website.
2. What is the best update you have ever seen?
The NPC update.
3. What is your favourite character?
Irresposible dad and Timmy.
4. What do you like the most about HW?
Good levels.
5. What do you hate the most about HW?
Noobs and Joe (NOT Jim) Bonnacci*.
* Joe Bonnacci is Jim´s brother.
6. Who is your favourite author?
7. How many hours do you spend at HW everyday?
About 2.
8 Jim said recently that he was thinking on a HW´s sequel, with a new physics engine, what do you think about this?
I like the idea.
9. Would you like to reveal some personal details (Country, tastes..)?
I live in Finland and I like traps. This is his home:
10. You said you was the first person making a running NPC, how did you discover how to make it?
I made the first walking thing in Incredibots (An old game). Then I just made it at HW when I started playing it.
11. Is there something else you want to say?
I like my dog. He is looking at me right now. Golden retriever.
Is it nice?